Fake Exclusive Markets is not regulated.
Fake Exclusive Markets's fraudulent activities have drawn a warning from the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles (FSA). The scam broker copied the logo and the regulatory information of a legtimate counterpart, licensed by the Seychelles FSA, to pretend to be an authorized firm to get an advantage. Therefore, to warn the public of the fraudster, the Seychelles FSA issued the warning, saying the Fake Exclusive Markets which operates website https://globalexclusivemarkets.com/ is not linked to any entity licensed or regulated by the FSA in any capacity.
Therefore, Fake Exclusive Markets is an unregulated broker and we strongly suggest avoid it. Entrusting the platform with investors' funds and personal information is highly risky, as there are no rules in place to safeguard them. If any violation occurs, traders are vulnerable and helpless. To mitigate such risks, we highly recommend choosing a fully regulated broker.