<Website URL: www.mbbo11.vip.> It was 7th September 2023 One Lady Miss Joohi Singh consulted me through WhatsApp and told me she is from "Confluencr Media company" and offered me a job kind of thing, I asked her where did you found my contact number. She replied, Well! We co-operate with different job websites and Marketing Department and they have send your contact information for us to contact you. They invited me to join in a telegram work group. They asked for my details like name, age, bank account details for salary purpose etc. I have provided the details since she told me she was from "Confluencr Media company" . They offered me some missions to do. Some missions was like subscribing to some of the youtube channels and some are Money missions. The Admin name is "Anna" and her co-worker name is "Badal" on Telegram They offered me 1300 initially just to trust them. After that, there will be some 5000/- money missions, in which they will be providing some more money missions in that particular mission. They asked me to create an account in mbbo website and asked me to signup with my email account. After registering, they will be showing a number of which the money we invested. They asked us to transfer the amount to the particular bank account of which they provide at that time. Initially they given my investment with profit. After trusting them they asked me to join a group task of 5 members. On 10th September 2023 as I joined the group for doing group missin I completed my 1st task of 5,000Rs and then they told me to complete 2nd mission of amount 35.000Rs which I completed and then they gave me another task amounting 1,28,000Rs which I was unable to complete as I didn't have that much of money. So I told them I want to withdraw so Badal told me If you withdraw then you will loose your money and other members of the group will also loose their money as well."Badal" delayed the task for me but I told him im sorry but I won't be able to complete and want refund