

squared financial

Latest Hottest Replied Closed
無故扣除盈利(Unreasonable deductions from profits)
Hong Kong

Amount $4,614.9

CONTENT 本人2023年8月在平方金融(Squared Financial)開戶交易黃金,自己交易一直虧錢,最後在23年尾出金打算不交易.隨後認識有老師帶交易黃金,所以重新在2024年3月5日入金5000美元.2024年3月6日老師便帶我們交易,玩了5次,4次贏,一次輸,共盈4112.4美元.但在2024年3月7日便給平方金融扣除盈利及返佣,共扣了4614.9美元.其他一起玩的朋友,在其他公司平台同樣交易,都沒事,只有平方金融(Squared Financial)扣除.找他們相關職員投訴,亦沒有回覆.最後只能無奈出金.I opened an account with Squared Financial to trade gold in August 2023. I kept losing money while playing, and finally I decided to withdraw my gold at the end of 2023 and decided not to play anymore. Then I met a teacher who taught me how to trade gold, so I started trading gold again on March 5, 2024. The daily deposit was 5,000 US dollars. On March 6, 2024, the teacher took us to trade. We played 5 times, won 4 times and lost once, with a total profit of 4112.4 US dollars. But on March 7, 2024, the profit and loss were deducted from Square Financial A total of US$4,614.9 was deducted from the rebate. Other friends who played with us did the same transactions on other company platforms, and everything was fine. Only Squared Financial deducted the commission. I complained to their relevant staff, but there was no reply. In the end, I had no choice but to withdraw the money. .
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