
Got cheated on Telegram with YouTube Subscribe and Trading tasks
马来西亚 2023-03-23
维权: 交易损失赔偿,资金回收
维权金额: --
进度: 处理中
User0023 补充投诉

I did as I was told. but the incharge overwrote the instruction and made it look like I had made a mistake. and I am required to make the 4th deposit which is rm9800 to correct my mistake other candidates have succeeded except me. I suspect that the other candidates are just his friends just to confuse me, and convince me only. I have chatted with other candidates. and his answer did not convince me. all the deposits I made were only to this donkey's account in Malaysia. I have also made a police report and also a report to the National Scam Response Center (NSRC) for further action.

User0023 发起投诉

In the beginning, I got a whatsapp from an individual, supposedly able to contact me through job street. He offered a job by subcribe youtube channel will also get a salary then gave me a task to test. I am done subscribe to the channel and then I was instructed to contact the person in charge on Telegram to get the salary and to continued the job. Then I was included in a telegram group where it is said that everyone there works like me. I was paid rm3 for one task, however, not all tasks are just subcribe youtube channel, there will be an interlude task that is the task of depositing money and will get a profitable return. Deposit 300, 500, 1500, 3000, 6000. deposit 300 will get 390. this task I have to open an account on the link given like a forex website.

I need to follow the instructions given and will get the return as promised. I only deposit rm300 not to take a high risk. At first I managed to get a return as promised, after 3 to 5 subcribe tasks, there will be tasks like this.

This is the second time for this task. I deposited again 300 and got 390, but this time it's different from the first, I put it in special vip group. only 3 people, namely me, the incharge and another person like me. This time it is said that the grouping order here makes 2 deposits. 3rd time this kind of task. I was included in the vip group again, and there were 4 candidates like me. and here to make a grouping order again. first deposit rm300, 2nd deposit rm1500 and 3rd deposit rm4500 and the promised grouping order will get a bigger return. but the 3rd deposit, the person in charge gave instructions to be made on the given website link.

I did as I was told. but the incharge overwrote the instruction and made it look like I had made a mistake. and I am required to make the 4th deposit which is rm9800 to correct my mistake other candidates have succeeded except me. I suspect that the other candidates are just his friends just to confuse me, and convince me only. I have chatted with
