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Don't be a victim! TGKK is a SCAM using fake addresses and manipulating markets. Unregulated & dangerous - choose a legit broker & protect your money!
Don't be a victim! TGKK is a SCAM using fake addresses and manipulating markets. Unregulated & dangerous - choose a legit broker & protect your money!

Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2022-04-20 BrokersView has reviewed that TGKK is an Unregulated Forex Broker

    TGKK claims it is a trustable broker and shows its office address is in Hong Kong. However, we did not find any match results to TGKK in the Hong Kong Securities And Futures Commission (HK SFC). Besides, TGKK mentions its principal business is operated by a company named "BERTHAP&IPM PROJECTS PTY LTD" with an address in London, United Kingdom. As per the United Kingdom law, all firms and individuals offering, promoting, or selling financial services or products in the UK have to be authorized or registered by the UK financial regulator - FCA. However, we did not find any match results to BERTHAP&IPM PROJECTS PTY LTD in FCA. That means TGKK is not regulated by any regulators. Investors' money in this broker is unsafe and cannot be protected by any law. Therefore, it is a scam.

    TGKK claims it is a trustable broker and shows its office address is in Hong Kong. However, we did not find any match results to TGKK in the Hong Kong Securities And Futures Commission (HK SFC). Besides, TGKK mentions its principal business is operated by a company named "BERTHAP&IPM PROJECTS PTY LTD" with an address in London, United Kingdom. As per the United Kingdom law, all firms and individuals offering, promoting, or selling financial services or products in the UK have to be authorized or registered by the UK financial regulator - FCA. However, we did not find any match results to BERTHAP&IPM PROJECTS PTY LTD in FCA. That means TGKK is not regulated by any regulators. Investors' money in this broker is unsafe and cannot be protected by any law. Therefore, it is a scam.